Fitness Standards
The physical fitness entrance assessment is administered to all Peace Officer and Detention Officer candidates. The assessment is conducted at WLEA on the morning of the first day of basic training. Students must pass the assessment to be accepted into basic training. Candidates should wear appropriate attire for physical activity i.e. gym shorts/sweatpants, t-shirts, running shoes and gym socks.
The entrance standard is based on the Cooper Institute's standards and may be attained in one of the two following ways:
•Meet/exceed the 40th percentile in each category assessed.
•Meet/exceed the 50th percentile cumulative average in all categories assessed, with no category less than the 25th percentile.
The three categories assessed are:
•Maximum number of sit-ups in 1 minute.
•Maximum number of push-ups in 1 minute.
•Maximum running distance 1.5 miles for time
To determine your fitness standards, first find the appropriate table for your gender. Next, find the age range column that corresponds to your age. The WLEA fitness standard may be achieved by either scoring at least 40% in each category or an average of 50% with no event under 25%.